Well, it was, just not quite like we planned it.
A couple of weeks ago Kelly asked me to accompany her on this boat cruise that was hosted by AIDS Rochester to benefit "Helping People With AIDS". Sure, I said! Tickets weren't cheap and it was a big homo event, so I planned on dressing to the nines. So lemme just tell you people: I tweezed. I shaved. I Naired. I waxed. I clipped. I trimmed. I showered. I brushed all my teeth. I even went shoe shopping.
So I'm all a-primping for two hours, like any good femme, and I'm all ready and shit. Even wearing earrings, people! I'm talking girdles, stockings and slips. You get the picture?
So we get to the launch location of the ship (The Harbor Belle), and "Joyce", the docent of the Harbor Belle greets us, wearing this lime green dress from 1964, complete with stains all over the front. She's half in the bag. "The ride will be delayed for an hour, as the Stutson St. bridge is stuck and the ship can't get under it to return to the dock." So there are some groans as we realize we will miss the beautiful sunset on the lake. But troopers that we are, we see this as a great opportunity to go drinking, which we do. Later we head back to the boat launch and nobody is there. Except Joyce. Who is now totally in the bag and lighting up a Marlboro. "The ride has been cancelled. The Coast Guard had to rescue the people off the boat and it's still stuck in the bay. But the party has been moved to 3028 East Ave." Then someone else says, "What's that address?" And she says "3208". And I say, what's that address again, because you just said something else. She says 3208. It's now a house party at some gay boy named Tim's house.
We head for the house, but decide we are damn hungry by now, and we roll through the Wendy's drive-thru for cheesburger's in our Saturday evening finest. Somehow I managed not to spill food on myself. We scarfed down the chow and headed for the party.
Now, I'm gonna make a long story short and skip to the part where dozens of lesbians are traveling up and down East Ave. for an hour looking for an address that doesn't exist. We try 3028, 3208, 3280, 3820. I call my brother, who works in the legal field, to do a skip trace. He can't find anything either. Now I do crap like this all the time as a process server, looking for addresses that don't exist and trying to guess the correct one. I think maybe it's 328? But we've had enough guessing and decide to go to a gay martini bar and drink some more. We get there and there are about 6 fags hanging there, so Kelly just says, anybody know Tim with HPA? Well, of course, someone does, and tells us "It's 328 East Ave." Never trust a drunk docent wearing dirty old clothes.
So we find the party, and it's 100 fagolas, 9 dykes, and one drag queen. And stale booze. And little finger foods that have been manhandled by little gay boys who are probably strippers at Muther's homo bar. But the booze is free, so we take advantage of that. We girls all chat, then decide we've had enough.
But I gotta say, it was still a fun adventure, we still had a nice evening, and we looked FABulous! See for yourself.