Saturday, May 31, 2003

Bye again.

Heading to Buffalo tomorrow, then to Canada Monday and Tuesday to record the lead guitar tracks. This guitarist I hired is beyond amazing. Wait'll ya hear. Photo shoot in Syracuse on Weds. Then I'm back.

Meantime, Farris puked all day yesterday from his second antibiotic. He puked with the first one, too. So now we're trying pill #3 tomorrow. I wanted to wait until he felt better to eat, which he did tonight. So we'll see how this pill goes.

Now get this: Little Pisces Kitty Farris has always had a thing for water. He'll get in the shower with you and all, and before he drinks from his water bowl, he paws at his water with both paws. But because he has a UTI, he's going to the litter box every five minutes. So his big huge paws are caked with clumping litter, and his water bowl is filled with litter. It's disgusting. Bad enough I gotta wipe fatty Puddy's ass for her, now this. And speaking of Puddy, check out this photo. She had some mats and the vet shaved her.

Friday, May 30, 2003

Oh Yeah...Books, too.

While on the road I read Beyond The Bass Clef by Tony Levin, and some of the Sue Grafton alphabet mysteries: "B" is for Burgler, "C" is for Corpse, "D" is for Deadbeat. I love those stories, but I secretly wish Kinsey Millhone was a lesbian.

Road Music

Okay, well I had to do something, since that other blog just refuses to work, no matter what the hell I do about it. So I'll be working here for awhile. When Blogger actually does get around to transferring to the new system (who's holding their breath?), I can go back there. I suppose. Whatever.

Anyway, I have many more Copa stories to tell, ya know! Before Blogger halted my free expression. I wanted to list the CD's I brought with me on the trip to entertain me:

Edie Carey, Call me Home
Melissa McClelland, ( title on the disc...)
Mary Simon, Before I Fall
Mary Simon, Leaving You Behind
Pat Metheny, Secret Story
Miranda Stone, Seven Deadly Sins
Sam Shaber, Eighty Numbered Streets
Joni Mitchell, Travelogue
Tori Amos, Little Earthquakes
Kate Bush, Sensual World
Sarah McLachlan, Surfacing
Martha's Trouble, Sleeping Dogs
Alexis Antes, Stronger
Michael Hedges, Aerial Boundaries
Sara K., Gypsy Alley
Anne Heaton, Black Notebook
Ani DiFranco, Reckoning
Alanis Morissette, Under Rug Swept
Holly Figueroa, How It Is
Dar Williams, Beauty of the Rain

And my own CD, of course, as well as the Copacabana CD, which I listened to for learning purposes.

That's all for now. I needed to blog this so I can put these CD's away now. I've been home 10 days already and I'm just unpacking now. Besides, I'm up to my elbows in cat puke today, from both of those kitties. Gotta go mop.

Monday, May 26, 2003

This is test #2 to see if it will show more than one post
this is a fucking test